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Reasons for (click here) performing kegel exercises Kegel exercises are movements that strengthen pelvic floor muscles.The muscles of the pelvic floor support the bladder, bowel and, in women, the uterus.Many factors can weaken pelvic Cheap Tiffany Bracelets Shop floor muscles, including pregnancy, childbirth, aging and being overweight.Here are five reasons to perform kegel exercises. Incontinenceincontinence is the loss of bladder control causing urine leakage or frequent and sudden urges to empty the bladder, according to the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases, or niddk.The niddk states that most bladder control problems are caused by weak pelvic muscles.Stronger pelvic-Floor muscles can hold the bladder in place, reducing incontinence problems.In one study reported in the january 20, sale 2010, issue of"Cochrane database system review,"Women with incontinence who did kegel exercises were more likely to report that their bladder problems improved compared to women not doing the exercises. Prolapseweak pelvic floor muscles can allow a woman's pelvic organs to descend into the vagina, a condition known as pelvic organ prolapse.This can cause problems ranging from discomfort to incontinence, dr.Sotelo says.The mayo clinic reports that performing kegel exercises can prevent or delay prolapse.Additionally, kegels may be helpful after prolapse develops.In a review of clinical trials published in the october 18, 2006, issue of"Cochrane database system review,"Women with pelvic organ prolapse who performed kegel exercises for at least three months reported less severe prolapse symptoms. Childbirthwomen can perform kegel exercises even when pregnant, according to the mayo clinic.Why do these exercises when you're expecting? "Kegel exercises may help pregnant women prepare for the later stages of pregnancy and a vaginal delivery by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles,"Says sotelo, who notes that strong pelvic floor muscles can make it easier to push during a vaginal delivery.Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles by doing kegel exercises during pregnancy can also reduce the risk of postpartum incontinence.Kegel exercises are named after los angeles gynecologist dr.Arnold kegel who developed them to help women with postpartum incontinence. Prostate problemskegel exercises can help treat prostate pain and swelling in men, as well as urinary incontinence due to prostate problems, sotelo says.In men over age 50, the most common prostate problem is prostate enlargement.This can cause an urge to urinate frequently.Kegel exercises help with male incontinence by strengthening the muscles that hold up the bladder, which may help bladder control.Surgery to remove the prostate is sometimes done to treat prostate cancer.According to a december 6, 2009, report published in the"Journal of sexual medicine,"Kegel exercises may improve urinary incontinence and erectile function after prostate-Removal surgery. Sexual satisfactionkegel exercises may lead to more sexual enjoyment for men and women by improving control of the pelvic floor muscles. "In men, some of the muscles in the pelvic floor area control the release of semen, so strengthening them can give men better control during sexual intercourse,"Sotelo says.In females, kegel exercises, along with counseling and sex therapy, may be helpful for women who have problems reaching orgasm, according to the mayo clinic.Kegel exercises may also Tiffany Sets Jewelry help men with erectile dysfunction, or ed.It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.Livestrong is a registered trademark of the livestrong foundation.Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-Many of the advertisements are served by third party advertising companies.